Friday, January 28, 2011

I Blame BM Momma

I blame BM Momma.  It is all her fault!  So, BM Momma is so named because she is my only BM with kids...who are going to be my ring bearers.  She is also very artistic.  For that matter, so is BM Artista.  BM Artista is a very good painter (IMO...I have one or her painting hanging in my house).  So I guess BM Artista and BM Momma can share the blame here!

See, I wanted to make something for my BM's...a little "will you be my BM" gift.  True, I have already asked all of my BMs to BE my BMs - and they have all graciously agreed to trek down to FL with me when we get married.  But I wanted to give them something a little extra.  Something neat.  Something that fits in with our theme (whatever that may be).  And I wanted to create this thing, this gift, as you will.  Something that comes from the heart, something that would look good, something that won't cost an arm and a leg, and something I could have done by Christmas.  Well, 2 outta 4 ain't too bad.... is it?

So I have been working on this thing....I won't tell you what it is yet, because I want to give it to my BMs first.  But I will tell you it has to do with sewing.  Hence the blaming BM Momma part.  See, a little while ago, BM Momma showed me this really pretty skirt that she made.  I still remember her exact words...."It was so easy to make!"  Damn you BM Momma!!!  So, after hearing those fateful words, I thought "Wait a minute...I have a sewing machine, and if BM Momma can do it, then so can I!"  HAH!  Famous last words.  Add to that the encouragement I often get from BM Artista, and it is just a recipe for  disaster.  A DIY disaster, if you will.  :)

In reality, it is not that horrible.  The trouble is, it is just taking forEVER to finish these things.  I have 2 out of 6 things finished.  Just 4 left to go!  Hopefully I will finish before spring break.  And I will hope that they look decent.  Even if they don't, please just lie to me.  :)

PS - Once I finish them all, I will post pictures - promise!  I just don't want to ruin the surprise.

Maybe I should take this as a warning for other DIY projects?  nahhhhhh

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! The skirt really was easy. Take your time, no rush. Worrying about getting it done quickly may be making it more difficult.
