Thursday, March 22, 2012

Guess what came in the mail today?

I'll give you a hint - its small and circular and rhymes with "bing"!  Yep - Mr. Rocks ring arrived today!

(Image from JVL Jewelry)

Yay - now we both have our rings! 

If you remember, I found my ring (i.e. the most awesomest ring in the world) a few months ago.  However, my ring was waaaay out of our budget range.  So, with the help of layaway and some finagling of our monthly budget, I was able to pay it off, bit by bit.  I made the last payment over spring break (in early March) and now we own it :).  (And check this - when I put my first payment on the ring, it was a bit too tight for me.  "No worries" the jewelry folk told me - it would be easy to resize.  However, since that time, I have lost a little bit of weight, and when I stopped in to pick it up, it fit perfectly!  Yay!) 

But we still did not have Mr. Rocks' ring.  And that was proving to be a bit tricky.  See, Mr. Rocks does not wear any jewelry, and he was not sure he was into wearing a wedding ring.  I understand that, and I certainly don't want my future hubs to be wearing something every day that makes him uncomfortable.  But I always imagined my husband wearing a wedding ring.  So I asked him it he would try wearing his wedding band for at least a few months...and if it felt too weird, then at least he gave it the "ole Harvard try".  But, because Mr. Rocks wedding ring might end up sitting in my jewelry box most of the time (I hope not, but who knows?), we really did not want to bust the budget again on his ring.   But we wanted something that looked good and was not cheap (I offered to give him a ring pop, but for some reason, he said no :).

Luckily, we found a really nice tungsten ring! (The tungsten rings are the ones that will break rather than bend in case Mr. Rocks gets his hand stuck somewhere - this is better than the other rings, which could bend and cut off circulation to his finger.  And if you know Mr. Rocks, you understand why we are concerned about this!)

So we ordered it, it fit :) ......and now....for your viewing pleasure...your only shot to see these two beauties together before June 2:
(Photo by me)

And now they go back in the box till the wedding :).

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