Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Family Tree

So, one item I worked on (annnd completed) over the past few days was the "family tree" for the wedding reception.
(Sorry for the yellow tone of the photo!)

This involved finding a nice "y-shaped" tree branch, which I coated with, like, 1 million coats of clear spray paint.  Then I stained the base (using the leftover golden oak stain we had in the garage).  Then I found 7 little picture frames from Michaels (yay coupons!).  All that was left was finding (and scanning) pics of our parents and grandparents.  I don't want to post the pics I am using in the tree (you need to come to the wedding to see those!!), but here are a few pics that I really liked, but did not make it into the final cut:
 This is Mr. Rock's mom's parents: "Big D and Ciro."  I really liked this pic, but it was oriented the wrong way for the tree.

These are my parents.  I really like this one - for the color in the window and the way my parents are looking at each other.  I really hope that Mr. Rocks and I can take a pic like this on our wedding day.  However, it did not make the cut since the photo is a little off center (Papa Rocks is a bit cut off).

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