Thursday, February 24, 2011

Timeline (or "I've been lazy/broke")

So, nothing super exciting to post on the wedding front today/this week.  BM NZ will be trying on BM dresses soon (maybe next weekend) and I am super excited to see her pictures!  But nothing much is going on here.  I still have sewing to do, I have brooches to make, and I have coffee filter roses to attempt to create.  But I don't feel like sewing, and our budget is pretty tight this month, so I am waiting till March to hit Michaels (with coupons!) to buy the necessary wiring to make items #2 and 3 on the list.  Mr. Rocks is tasked with making our STD's (hehe), but we have a whiles till they need to go out.

But, one of the things we need to start figuring out is photographers.  And before we can start getting quotes, we need to know how long we will need the photographer, so we need to figure out a timeline for the wedding.  A timeline that everyone will be OK with.  Here is what I have come up with so far....

2 - 3PM - Ceremony
3 - 5PM - "free time" back at the hotel
5PM - Start of cocktail hour/first dances
6PM - Start dinner
7 - 10PM Dancing!!
10PM - "Official Reception" ends, casual after-party at the hotel bar/pool

Now here comes the annoying bits.....
Annoying bit #1: The park won't guarantee parking after 10AM.  There is no way the Rock Huggers, who are NOT morning people, are getting married in the AM.....but hold on, there is...

Annoying bit #2: The hotel is not next to the reception cite (in truth, it is not that far away, but "far enough")  And they are crazy strict about DD down there, and we really don't want out guests driniking and driving anyways.

Combine Annoying bits 1 and 2, and we have decided to rent a Rock-Mobile.  (Well, just a bus, really).  Now here is the good, the bad, and the ugly.  First, the good: We can rent a Rock-Mobile and stay in our budget.  Now, the ugly: we are expecting ~90-100 people  Busses generally fit ~50 people.  We cannot afford 2 busses!  Now, the "bad": Everything (the hotel, Bahia Honda, and the Key Colony Inn) are relatively close to each other (no more than 15 min apart), so the bus can make multiple trips to a location.  Its good, because it can save us a ton of money, but bad because some people will have to hang out and wait for the rest of the guests to arrive.

Now, if we use a RockMobile for guest transport, here is how the schedule plays out.....

1:15PM - Bus leaves hotel with 1st set of guests
1:30PM - 1st set of guests gets to Bahia Honda and wanders around a bit
1:45PM - Bus picks up 2nd set of guests
2:00PM - 2nd set of guests arrive at Bahia, everyone else gathers
2:15PM - Ceremony starts
2:45PM (ish) - Ceremony ends
3:00 PM - Bus takes 1st crew of guests back to the hotel
3:30PM - bus takes 2nd crew of guests back to hotel
Jenn and Mike stay at Park for pictures (and family, BMs, GMs??) (How do they all get back, then?)
4:45PM - bus leaves from hotel to take 1st crew of guests to KCI (5 min away)
4:55PM - bus leaves from hotel to take 2nd crew of guests to KCI
5:00PM - the booze starts to flow!
9:00PM - bus is available to take home anyone that wants to leave early (hopefully no one)
10:00PM - bus takes 1st crew of folk back to the hotel
10:10 PM - bus takes 2nd crew and Jenn and Mike back to hotel

So how does this timeline sound?  Too crazy?


  1. I reckon bride, groom, BMS and GMs get from the wedding to the reception by limo. With champagne. Arrive in style :-) :-)
