Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am Baa-ack!

Hola world!  I have been absent for about 1.5 months.  I blame Mr. Rocks (really isn't life better when everything can be blamed on Mr. Rocks?)  Actually, to be fair to Mr. Rocks, it had nothing to do with him.  It was the effing Photographers.  I had started looking for photographers, discovered that they are so far out of our price range that I really needed to start thinking about selling a kidney just to afford the damn photogs.  And of course I got frustrated....I mean, who in their right mind pays $4000 for 2 hours of photo coverage?  Seriously people!?!  So I kinda dropped the whole wedding planning part of my life for a few weeks.

Of course, life continued.....and one of the big items of wedding stuff is that OOPJ is now "Official!"  Yep. She is officially allowed to marry us in FL.  Woo-Hoo!!!  And I have slowly started back down the terrible path of wedding planning - I made a few different versions of paper flowers that I plan on showing everyone sometime soon.  I also booked a flight to NZ to go visit BMNZ this summer (WOO-HOO!)  Finally, Mr Rocks had some boy time in Vegas this past weekend whilst Momma Rocks and I went back down to the Keys for some wedding planning.  While we were there, we ate some cake, had terrible manicures, had awesome seafood, and got to see the sunset at Bahia Honda.  I was a good lil' blogger and took lots of pictures, which I will show you guys in a couple of days, but for now, just a little teaser of the Keys.... (I really wish we were getting married this summer!!)
(Photo by me)

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Weddingbee! I'd love to add you to my blogging brides page...when is your wedding? info@lauraandchristopher.com
