Sunday, January 30, 2011

OOT Bags

First - a quick little show-out to BM Momma...she is turning another year older today!

Now, it is time to talk about the OOT's - the Out Of Town Bags.  Since our wedding will be a destination for (almost) all 100 guests, we are planning on making ~50 OOT bags.  Every guest will get one in their hotel room (or at the front desk upon check-in).  We want to use canvas bags so people can re-use their OOT bags as green grocery bags.  However, canvas bags are expensive, and our budget is tiny, so we are planning on just grabbing as many "free" canvas bags that we can over the next few years.  Then, I will sew a "patch" onto each bag, saying something like "Rocks Huggers, Keys 2012" so that, even though everyone has a different bag, they will all come together (I hope).  Also - be on the lookout for free canvas bags!  If you are at any event or out and about and see some canvas bags, grab a bunch!  I will be much appreciative!

Bag Count as of Jan 2011 - 10 Bags.....40 left to find!  I will keep posting updates as we get more bags!

Now comes the next question....what to fill the bags with?  Mr. Rocks and I have made a tentative list....
2 Bottles of Water
2 bags of salty snacks (snack-size bags)
Travel Size Suntan lotion
Breath mints
M & M's
Lip Balm
Travel Toothbrush/floss
Self-stamped/addressed CD for people to mail their wedding pics back to us
Itinerary and Maps
Our Fav Restaurants
FL Keys Tourism Bureau Pamphlet
Personalized Do Not Disturb Sign - like this....

So, what do you guys think our OOT Bag list?  Of course, we still need to price everything out, so most likely a few things might get cut.  But it is a start!  If you have any other ideas of things to add, I would love to hear them!


  1. Tote Bag Assortment
    50 bags for 30 buck
    they have all sorts of stuff and pretty darn cheap

    thanks for the bday shout out!

  2. I probably have a few I can donate. Great idea! What about emailing any local restaurants to see if they'll give you a discount voucher?

    Where was my birthday shoutout?!
