Thursday, July 21, 2011

Iiiiiii want Caaaaandy!!!!

So, is that song stuck in your head now?  Tee-hee!

I was also thinking about titling this post "If you give a mouse a crumb."  Do you remember the saying? ...If you give a mouse a crumb, he will ask for a cookie.  If you give the mouse the cookie, he will ask for a glass of milk, etc, etc.  
(Mr. Rocks with our mouse catchers!)

Well, the cake/cookie/candy table idea started because I gave a "mouse" (my mind) a crumb....and it just got worse from there.  And by "worse,"  I mean it got freakin' awesome!  Especially for the wedding guests!  

See, it all started with the cake/cupcake tower idea.  Well, the cupcake tower recently got scratched, so now we are going with a cake.  Except our cake will be a bit on the small side (more on the cake after we sign the contract!).  And I like sweets!  We must have more chocolate!!!!  So, I decided early on that we will also have italian wedding cookies.
(Photo from

But we won't have just one type of cookie....Nope! (Here is where that pesky mouse starts to rear its tiny little head......) We will have SEVERAL types of cookies.  Like 4 different types.  Because I like cookies.  We will have the traditional "butterball" cookie.  I also want some sort of flourless chocolate chip cookie.  And maybe a shortbread-type cookie.  And who knows for the fourth type....have any suggestions?
(Photo from

BUT, cookies are NOT enough!  (And here is where the mouse asks for a glass of milk.  Or maybe the whole cow.)  We have to have candy too!  I mean, it just makes sense!  BM Lil' Dudette works for a chocolate company.  And better yet, she can get *free* candy!  So, in addition to the cake and the four different types of cookies, we will also have Wilbur Buds, Malted Milk Balls, Cocoa Almonds, Jordan Almonds, Chocolate Covered Raisons, and anything else BM Lil' Dudette can get her grubby little paws on.  
(Photo from

So, now all I need to do if figure out how to display everything...I'm guess just throwing everything on the table in one big pile o' cookie and candy is not the best plan!

(Photo from

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